Today it has been rainy.  I was shown a new radar system that was suggested to me as probably the most useful website you can find (if you're in the Netherlands).  That way, if it's raining, you can tell what pocket of time will be best for heading out.  Since it was raining in the morning, Maya and I (intelligently) determined when to head out for work.

I am declaring us as very smart too.  Yesterday, we attended a brief science talk held in the cell laboratory building.  When passing through the hallways, we discovered another coffee machine.  This one is always free, though you need to supply your own cup.  As Maya put it, this is how our rainy and gloomy day panned out mid-afternoon:
Maya: "I can't focus for much longer."
Me: "Want to get free coffee from the Biology Department?"
Maya: "YES. Let's get cups from the lounge." (smart move = free cups too)
Me: "Perfect.  We can double fist."

And that we did.  

Being Thursday, it is deemed the 'shopping' day here, so stores are open later than usual.  With that, I've decided I am going to do a little shopping this afternoon.  I have restrained myself thus far so I feel this is acceptable.

So just got back from shopping.  I went to a place called V&D and it is sort of a cross between a JCPenny's and Macy's.  I say this because it's not really a full department store, but it does have some areas.  For example, I spotted the fudge and chocolates.  This also includes chocolate covered waffles.... I restrained myself for the moment, but am sure I will crack eventually and end up getting one.  There were so many good things too.  I only wish that 20 euros for a cute top meant less than 30 USD dollars...